Christien Paul
Digital Creator
Humber College 2003 - 2007
Business Management Diploma (3 years)
Liberal Arts Certificate (1 year)
Web Development Certificate (1 year)
Audio/Video Post-Production Certificate (1 year)
Print-Production & Typography Certificate (1 year)
At the age of 25, I started freelancing full-time in the music industry as a live concert videographer and webmaster. This gave me the freedom to pursue acting. After about a decade I moved to France and became a singer/songwriter. The brands below represent the evolution of my career from webmaster to singer/songwriter. For more details on my work experience please visit my LinkedIn profile.
The 4 Pillars
You might say I was a serial entrepreneur. The first company I registered was a mobile recording studio called Nautical Progressions. I provided live sound engineering producing live concerts and 3 song demos for indie bands. It wasn't long before bands started asking for EPK videos so I decided to shelve Nautical Progressions and bring it back as a record label down the road. Ironically, I now see that it's my own imprint label for all the progressions (brands) I've created throughout my career.
The acronym EPK stands for "electronic press kit" and the business model for this brand was to provide exposure to indie artists as an accredited music blog called "The Ongoing Music Documentary".
I got to interview the Arkells, Lights and Skrillex to name a few. I worked more than 100 events for Live Nation, Canadian Music Week, TIFF, WakeStock, WEMF and many many more as their event videographer and webmaster. grew to become a platform for bands to build their own official website using WordPress. Once I had learned how to monetize the brand as a "WordPress multisite network" for bands, I decided I'd do the same for small businesses as the WP Chef.
The next phase of my career as a web developer lead me into the world of search engine optimization with a focus on Google. This is why I created a brand that was more corporate-friendly, i.e. WP Chef where I use WordPress plugins and themes to "cook up a delicious website".
It wasn't until I started this brand that I began working with marketing agencies and corporations as an SEO consultant. I translated the content of this website from English to French and opened up a satellite office in France. Today this is the brand I use in Quebec as well.
I spent 4 years living in France producing my first french pop album entitled "Welcome to Lyon". I came back to Canada at the onset of the pandemic and released the album in March 2020... I was surrounded by people who believed in the brand Christien Paul. I signed with a manager, a publicist, a ditributor and a booking agent. Then on December 4th, 2020 I had received my first royalty check... it was official, I became an established singer/songwriter.
Songs from the album are still on radio in Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland and the USA. I am furthering my career as an artist producing music for motion picture now. Needless to say I am also performing on stage as a singer/songwriter and planning to get back into acting.
Audio/Video Services
From live streams to highlight reels, infomercials and documentaries
How does It Work?
Pre-production marks the first milestone where we'll have a meeting of the minds and practice safe design by using a concept. Thereafter we'll be in production where we could be filming, recording, broadcasting or streaming until finally, the major sweat has past and we are in post-production where we clean-up, cut, polish and publish. Download my Rate Card and don't hesitate to contact me for a free no-obligation quote.
Photography Services
From corporate events and headshots to food & products photography
How Does It Work?
The first thing we need to determine is the equipment requirements. That all depends on the location and shot list. On average, a full-day photoshoot will start at $500 and include photo edits for up to 10 headshots (one for each member on your team). Download my Rate Card and don't hesitate to contact me for a free no-obligation quote.
What Do Clients Say?
"Christien has been my go-to webmaster for more than a decade. As an IT Director for several organizations including but not limited to Drone Delivery Canada, Christien has made me look good time and time again after not only rebuilding our website but also securing our servers from brute attacks and cleaning up our page indexes on Google Search. If you haven’t worked with Christien yet, I promise you won’t regret it."
"Christien and I worked together for more than a year. When I look back on the content I was producing for PlantX before Christien arrived and compare them to what I’m making now… WOW, thanks Cap, you not only taught me how to film with better lighting, better sound and better storylines, I’m editing my own videos now! Anytime I got stuck, you helped me get unstuck, whether a creative block or computer problems… whoever hires you next is lucky to have you!"
"Christien demonstrated his command of the camera by suggesting different poses and guiding my expression, smile and angle to yield a great profile picture. He made it so easy and relaxed for me and provoked a laugh at the right moment when he was ready to click so that the picture looked so natural. I would highly recommend Christien's work."

Contact Me
Christien Paul, Digital Creator